Internal:  Hitch-hikers' Guides:

We have a comprehensive compendium of information related to our client-facing IT support systems and processes here:

We call these guides "Hitch Hikers Guides" and in addition to a few that generally cover all that we do, we create one for each project (that has a deployed User Interface) to track the things specific to that setup.

The one to start with for learning is focused on standing up and maintaining our cloud server environments and databases, called "AWS Server Setup HHG - Ubuntu 20.04" (direct link:

Note:  You can get to this folder through the W drive also: W:\Shared drives\Resources - WIT\HHGs & WIT Documentation

Internal: the WIT Wiki (notion):

We also have a "Wiki" style website hosted with "" that brings together a lot of our regularly used tips, tricks, guides, and instructions. (you are here!!!)

It has a lot of great content and you may hit it daily to refer to various things.  Explore at will!

External:  Udemy:

We have invested in a slew of online learning courses through Udemy, which you can access by logging into with the email address [email protected] and the password: Le0nardR1ce


Here are the specific software programs to either download and get installed or get familiar with.  You can search that main HHG above for the key words indicated below to start exploring some of the things we do with these programs!

Bitvise Tunnelier

This is a Secure Shell (SSH) protocol interface for connecting to and managing our cloud servers.

Ubuntu Linux and the LAMP Stack

Ubuntu is the "flavor" of Linux we use for our cloud-server operating systems and the LAMP stack is the foundational configuration of software/programs on the cloud server that supports the rest of what we do. L = Linux, A = Apache, M = MySQL (we don't really use this anymore) and P = PHP.

Most of the setup and configuration of the OS has been done and saved as an Image in the Amazon cloud, so we don't have to repeat it but it's covered in the big HHG linked above.  That HHG also covers the bit of configuration we do need to do for each new server, beyond what the image has already.

Bash Scripting and CRON Automation